How to Cup with Mold Putty – Part 1


Oh man what a day!

Nearly forgot that I promised you a little tutorial today! It is super small.. but hopefully super effective :P. Also, I have decided to make this a series, so, this is the second Part of my short and quick tutorials all around Mold Putty.

So, on Tuesday I reviewed Amazing Mold Putty and showed how to use it.

Now there are a lot of ways to use it, for example does it make your life so much easier if you have a mold of a thing you make a lot. I have a lot of cupcake bases that I made myself.

Another thing I use/need fairly often are plates or cups. Plates are easy to buy, but cups are a problem, as they’re either too big or to small, or if they’re attached to a plate already you can’t use them to make a mold.

If you’re into making miniatures you also might stumble across different sized miniatures, so one sized (cup) doesn’t fit all. (When does one size fits all ever work right?)

So here is a simple way of making a mold for mugs in any size and shape you want.

You will need:

  • Amazing Mold Putty (duh)
  • clay
  • (ball tool) or back of a pencil


Roll a bowl of scrap clay and then start by making a cone or dome.


Make sure to make it a good shape and also try to leave no fingerprints. The cone has to be smooth so you don’t have to correct each of your replicas. That is just so so annoying believe me. ( I know my pictures are great)


When you’re happy with your shape take a pencil or ball tool and use it (the back) to make an indent in your cone/dome.

This will assure your cup stands.


Now it is time to bake your cup! Really important!

After baking and cooling down you can get the mold putty to make a mold.

I have explained those steps in my review about Amazing Mold Putty so I will not explain it again.


And this is the finished product!


If you want to know how to use this mold now and how to make not only cups but mugs, be sure to follow my blog so you won’t miss the last quick tutorial on how to use Amazing Mold Putty next week!


Lola Who

Merry-ingenious Tutorial


Today I am going to show you how to make perfect little meringues !

I can promise you this will be easier than doing real ones ! 😀 

My mom recently send me some of her homemade ones and daaamn those were peeeeerfect ! 


So let’s start !

You will need:

  • white and translucent clay
  • colored clay
  • and/or arcyl colors

If you don’t have translucent clay, thats fine ! I am going to show you different methods, and translucent is not used in one.


When you’re using trans and white clay mix the two together real good.




Then roll it into a ball ! You can start forming the meringue shape now !


Start by making one side a bit thinner ! So you will get a cone.


Then bend the cone slightly while still making the ends thinner.



Push down the sides again, if you feel like its to tall. Meringues always look kind of cute and round!



This is my finished „cone“, in this method we’re going to color it after baking !


Method 2 : mix white, trans and colored clay ! And then repeat !





Tadaaa meringue !


Method 3 : White, trans and then add bits of colors to the little ball. Mix the colors in, but only a bit! And then repeat the steps above!





Then you can add little eye pins if you wish to.

Bake the meringues!

Now lets go back to method 1 :

Choose some colors!


I mixed my colors with white to make it more pastel-y


I mixed the paint with a lot of water to get a smooth finish.


Then I painted the meringue.



Let it dry !


This is how the others look after baking!


And this is the one with method 3!


Then I cleaned dust off with my knife.


I added a phone strap !


You can add varnish if you want to ! I recommend it for method one !


The finished product !


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial ! I know I did 😛

These look super cute on your phone.

Let me know if you tried it out.


Lola Who

P.S. my cat scratched me

pps sorry for the not-pun

..Creativity and Fame (and the right reason?!)

Lola thinks about..

Today I want to talk about a topic that has been close to my heart for some while now, and even though I’ve been looking at it from different perspectives I am still confused. 

I have been active and inactive on Instagram and my follower count shows that.

So since I have decided to give all of this a second try, I looked more into the accounts of people of my community who have thousands of followers. 

Now let me say. The ones that have the biggest follower count are the most active and also the most hard working. Some of them put all of their heart and time into making their business grow. And some of them managed doing that in a really short amount of time. 

I can just assume how much money and where they spent that money to get enough recognition, but that is not really important for me. 

I am mostly wondering about people who have 2-4K Followers. 

For me that is a giant number. For you it might not be, but those people make good business with their account. 

Most of them are still in high school, and can use the money they make for their future, so what they’re gaining isn’t really a monthly income, more like big pocket money. 

But as some of them are still in high school, they’re still developing their skills, which can sometimes be underwhelming. So why do they have this follower count, when there are many people out there working harder and having more skills? People who decided to make polymer clay their job. And who don’t have the recognition they deserve.

NOTE: For me it’s still a hobby.

Personally I just want to make a enough money to live independently from my parents, which have to give me money even though I will have a job by next month and even though I am living in a student apartment, which are cheaper than normal apartments. 

So making a few extra bugs each month would really help me out, so for that I started looking into online shops again. 

If you’re thinking this is a shallow reason to start doing this again I must assume you’re still to young to live on your own. 

I have been going to fairs/shows to sell my jewelry for two years now, and had the most fun doing this, even though I rarely got the rent (for standing there) back. 

Displaying my Creations on the internet was more of a burden though. So I didn’t do that often. 

But now that I’ve given myself a purpose with this internet thing, and an actual schedule making me treat this hobby more like a job I am enjoying this ‚job‘ quite a lot. 

My ideas which had been buried under self-consciousness the past year have come back, as I am thinking what can I do to pop out between all the other talented people. 

Coming up with new ideas every week gives me extreme creativity flows which haven’t turned into rivers, but who knows that might happen. 

Sometimes doing things just for the fun of it doesn’t get you were you want to be. 

But sometimes doing it to stand on your own feet, or to stand out from the crowd, or to be famous can give you enough purpose to actually find the (long lost) fun (again). 

I am happy with my decision and willing to keep going until I am where I want to be. I want to inspire and I want to live happy with my work. 

And I am onto the second point already.

And even though I still don’t understand what makes people more famous than others that might be even better, I will work on myself and do what I can to reach my goals instead of envying others. 

Creativity and the life of Artists is full of rivalry and sadly not romantic at all. Doing things for ‚good‘ reasons might not satisfy you and that is totally o-k-a-y! Give yourself a reason that gets you going and start. And if that is to ‚become crazy internet-famous‘ as the lovely Ben Cook says, than do so. But please don’t forget to be kind to people on your journey because you can’t make it on your own. Sometimes everybody needs help. 

If this text-post helped you in any way ( i hope) please let me know and share my work with friends ! It would really really really lik-e help me!

And if you have had doubts about your reasons to begin with something, fucking start doing what you want to get where you want to be ! 

Lots of love !

∼Lola Who

…on a sunny week in April…

Lola looks back... which she did all things in a new way.

This week I created quite a few things, and I made an effort to properly take care of all my social media accounts that are associated with Lola Who/ LolaWhoCharms.

My journey to success and great content will be a long one, but I am working on new ideas !

So far I’ve decided to post on this blog three times a week, under the categories : Lola thinks..; Tutorials and Lola looks back..

In the first one I will talk about my thought on techniques, products or new news in the polymer clay community.

In the second one I will show a simple tutorial.

And in the last one ( which is this one right now) I a, going to look back on something.

If you have ideas or tips for any of these topics please let me know ! I would love to hear your thoughts !

But for today we will look back on my past week:

I went home this weekend and created some new Tea-Bag-Buddies for the shop in Berlin  where you can find some of my creations! If you ever have the chance to stay in Berlin please check it out !


Those are my friends of the week, I made a few more, but I didn’t have time to take pictures on till now.

Also in this week I started doing more decoden again !

I actually started last week, but this week was big for me !


I made four boxes that will appear on my etsy by next week !

So stay tuned if you are interested ! This orange beauty is already available !

Next on I made some phone accessories which where waiting so long to be finally finished !

I hope you like these ! I enjoy them a lot !


The colors are all lilac, but if you are interested in other ones please contact me ! You can finde these one here !

Before that I finished those accessories that can also be put on your phone !


I made quite a few ! You can finde more here !


Here is another friendly face of a TBB ! I think I will also put them on etsy, to see how they will do !

I also finally got around to use this book mark which I had saved for soo long !

I like how it turned out. 


I chose the colours to match the bronze look. You can find it here if you’re interested !

I hope you enjoyed this look back on my week, and stay tuned for my upcoming projects !

∼Lola Who

That’s tutorially Bananas


G’day fellow crafters !

Today I will show you how to make super cute Banana-Splits!


If you don’t have the parts to do this, you can either buy those online, or you can make them yourself with clay.

I might do a tutorial on making everything from scratch in the future.

You will need :


Tiny Pipe and plastic bag


Some sort of cream. I use this, as it is really good.


Some sort of plate, either buy one or make it.


Bananas and ice-cream.


I understand that this might be diffcult to make if you’re a beginner so here is youtube-tutorial so you can see how to make the Ice-cream scoop. The banana on the other hand is quite simple, just try to make the shape, and then texture it by making some slight cuts into the clay with a tool.




Begin by inserting the pipe in the bag. Make sure to cut a hole into one edge of the bag before.




Secure with scotch tape !




Role the end of the bag like this so nothing can run out !


Here is another close up of the bananas.




Pipe the cream onto the plate in the little ‚cream dots‘



Like this !


Then put the Bananas on there ! When the Cream dries everything will be super strong !


 Now add some cream to a side you prefer to put the ice cream scoops on.


Choose a colour combination you like !



Here you can see that I chose to do different designs.



Then add more Cream, if you’d like.




You can add sprinkles to your creation.


To put on the sprinkles I wet the end of a paint brush.


And then I dipped it into the micro pearls.




The you can easily place it onto the cream without making a huge mess!



FINISHED!  You can leave it like this  and use it for miniature doll houses

f.e. or you can glue a ring on the bottom when its all dried out.


I choose to put a head-pin into it to make those Banana-Splits into necklaces.


All done !

If you enjoyed this please let me know!

If you’re interested in buying those, I have listed them on my etsy !

∼ Lola Who 

A deco tutorial.


Today I won’t show you how to put decor on a wall or so, but how to decorate a phone case in a decoden style !

You will need :


A Phone case!


Silicone ! And a silicone pistol , if needed!

In my country silicone is packaged in this manner, and its really annoying because you need a „pistol“ to push the silicone out. 


ooh silicone. *heuheuheu* iykwim

If you use the pistol, the silicone will come out.


Nicely shaped cake-making thingy. And a plastic bag

How is it called, I totally forgot.

Pipe, pipe..
what ever, onto the tutorial !!

Grab everything listed above and lets start !

First you have to cut one end of the plastic bag. But just a bit! Don’t make the hole too big. you can always make it bigger, but you can never make it smaller. I feel like this could refer to a lot of things.



Then you have to put the pipe thingy in the bag and put it through the hole. It is not supposed to fall through it!


ooh its in

Then tape the pipe thingy to the bag to secure it ! Use as much tape as you need.



Then you can put the silicone inside the bag, this can be messy sometimes, but this time it wasn’t.


put the pistol in and pusssshh *heuheuheu*


this is what the pistol looks like

Put as much in it as needed. I usually put too much in it, but thats better than having not enough, since the bag gets messy inside, and putting more in after you’ve alread started is a pain in the buttocks.



Then push the silicone through and do a few test rounds before you start putting it onto the case.
Every silicone is different, and some can be liquider than others. Mine here was really cheap and therefore not so nice,and kind of hard to push through the pipe.


Look ! it works !

Unfortunately I only had flexible cases on hand, and I needed some special plastic glue.


I need this glue.

¡If you have a hard case cover you wont’t need this glue !


This one

Here you can see how flexible my case is. Without the glue the silicone would come straight off on the first use.


my case is flexible, which isn’t that good.

If your silicone is smoother you can do different shapes of frosting-art on your case, but mine was horrible to work with so i just made some straight lines across.


Put the silicone on !

After you have put on the silicone you can decorate the case in whatever way you like.
I have these decorations, that I made for decoden.


This is what i put on my case !

This is the design I choose.
You can either leave it like this or put glitter, rhinestones or half-pearls on it.


I decided to put half-pearls on it, to correct some mistakes I made and to fill out some spaces.


Depending on the silicone you use, it will take different drying times. Mine will probably take forever.

But this is how you do it !

Make you own phone case that is super kawaii !!


P.S. don’t forget to clean your pipe thingy ! you can throw away the bag, but the pipe thingy should be used a lot of timse. I wouldn’t recommend to use it for cakes after you have done this though. 



When I was looking for Valentines desserts I stumbled across strawberry cookies.

I thought they were extremely cute, and recreated them. ( The link will show you just one recipe I found helpful. )



Unfortunately I didn’t have pastels that night, so I couldn’t make the cookie look more cookie-ish and or realistic.
Maybe one could achive that look by painting them with acrylic paints after baking, but I haven’t tried that.

I am happy with the more cartoonish look they now have.

The white dots (what are those called on a strawberry) are made with deco sauce that I ordered from japan. I have the sauce in white, brown and pastel pink, and it is really nice to use. You can find it on here. ( and a lot of other lovely things aswell!)



Two of the Strawberry Cookies have been turned into rings (one has been sold yay) but I still have four left and am unsure what to use them for. I thought making them into necklaces would be a sweet idea.

If you have any other ideas what I could use the cookies for please let me know!

Now that I am thinking of the cookies, I might make them irl.



Life of Pie


Pies !! Also I am aware that the title is extremely original…..  …… …… I took some bottle-caps with me at the last party I went to and decided to make some pies.


It took me more than a week to finally get around to making these, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I had some blue TSL-Clay mix leftover (I still have) from a project I totally messed up, so I made some blueberry pie. The color is kind of off, but whatever. Also the blueberry bits disappeared during the baking, so the filling doesn’t have a lot of structure which is a shame. All in all it was quite a messy project. TSL is sticky as hell.


The dough color is hand mixed, and also kind of off. You can say I really didn’t have a hand for colors that day… Those pies were more or less an experiment. As you can see in the first picture I also tried different thicknesses of the ‚dough‘ . I prefer the thicker on has the pie seems more vivid. Which pie do you prefer?

_MG_8035 _MG_8034

The cake-pieces that you can see in the pictures will appear really soon on this blog. I hope. My posting schedule has been a bit off lately as well ( everything is off OMG) but as I am mostly writing for myself..I don’t think anyone really notices.


Waffly Studs


More Waffles!

But they would go perfectly with the waffles rings I posted last. *wink*wink*



I basically did the same thing with these waffles. Just add fruits and everything will look spring and summer ready.

So I will just let you enjoy these pictures.




Woop isn’t this nice. Nothing to read.





∼ Lola



Hearts. Yeah.




As I am extremely original at the moment, I have no other idea than to put fruits on everything.

My micropearls went missing, and those pearls were the only ones i had on hand.





Surely, those pearls make a whole lot of difference.

The frosting is deco frosting I ordered from Korea. I like it a lot. It is extremely convenient. And all though I always make a mess using it, its still my favorite thing at the moment. ( Next to my tiny oven




I hope you enjoyed those pictures of grass and flowers. I really need to find a consistent background. Preferably white.

But now it’s spring. So I will continue showing you nature till you go outside, instead of looking at pictures on the webs. (jk pls stay)
